Rob Marcello is certainly a technical wizard of the highest order – displaying dizzying speeds with amazing clarity and articulation. But Rob is more than a speed monster. Much more…Rob has many other qualities that shredders often lack: conviction, passion, tone, phrasing, feel, sense of timing, arranging acumen and an ear for melody. Rob started playing at the age of 11 but didn’t start practicing like mad until he was 13. His earliest influences were Ace Frehley, the Rolling Stones, Eddie Van Halen, and Yngwie Malmsteen. Later on, he got into the Shrapnel guys like Vinnie Moore, Paul Gilbert, Bruce Bouillet, Joey Tafolla, and Jason Becker and honed his chops to the max. As Rob matured as both a player and musician, he started absorbing more fusion-oriented players such as Larry Carlton, Al DiMeola, Shawn Lane, Carl Verheyen, Andy Timmons and Scott Henderson. But Rob is more than about incredible guitar playing and is more interested in good songs – hence his love for everything that ranges from Kiss to Def Leppard to Eddie Money to even Ashley Simpson. As Rob says, “A good song is a good song. Great guitar playing alone will never rescue a poor song.” Currently the guitarist in “Danger Danger” and “Laney’s legion” Rob keeps himself busy working on solo projects and a new vocal hard rock band as well as being a full-time guitar clinician and session musician. Hailing from Sweden, Rob came to the US with nothing but a guitar and a suitcase to pursue his rock and roll dreams. Rob’s first gig was with a band called Ironhorse that featured ex Steeler and Keel Vocalist Ron Keel. That gig gave Rob a lot of notoriety in the guitar circles. Other bands that Rob played in were Twenty 4 Seven (featuring RATT drummer Bobby Blotzer and ex- Motley Crue singer John Corabi) Rob also played and recorded 3 albums with M.V.P. featuring ex-Yngwie and Loudness vocalist Mike Vescera. It wasn’t too long before Rob was tabbed to replace the highly respected Andy Timmons in Danger Danger. Rob is currently working on his next solo album, touring and living it up with the GrandMeister 36!

This amp has loads and loads of gain, which I love, but it’s really clear and I can hear each string when I strum a chord even with the gain cranked up to 100. Then add 4 channels, amazing sounding effects and you’ve got the most versatile amp on the planet! As far as I’m concerned, it’s simply the very best amplifier out there. I really love this amp. It just kills!

