At the age of 12 Takeo Sato began his career as a concert guitarist playing concert tours in Europe and Asia. 2 years later, as the youngest participant, he was awarded the 1st prize at the renowned „International Guitar Contest Bath“ in England. Before entering the Music Academy he accomplished several prizes and awards.
He studied with Prof. Ansgar Krause (Academy for Theatre and Music, Saarbrücken), Prof. Franz Halász (Music Academy, Augsburg) and Prof. Zoran Dukic (Royal Conservatory, The Hague) and graduated with honours from one of the most established guitar departments of Europe.
Takeo Sato’s activities speak for him as a highly profiled artist and teacher: TV and radio productions for the SR and the BR, publication of several albums (debut solo album, albums feat. his Alegrías Guitar Trio, the Croatian Guitar Quartet, etc.), publication of his transcriptions (Edition Chanterelle), advancement through the „Yehudi Menuhin – Live Music Now“ association.
Takeo Sato is directing his own guitar classes at the Leopold Mozart Centre for Music of the University Augsburg (Germany) and at the State Conservatory of Vorarlberg (Austria).
Sato founded and organises of the the annual „International Guitar Festival Augsburg“.
He is endorser for Hercules Stands and Hannabach Strings and plays a master grade guitar made by his father, the Japanese luthier Kazuo Sato.
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It takes about a decade to develop a really beautiful tone on a classical guitar. That’s why I put my trust in Hughes & Kettner‘s era 1: It‘s the most natural sounding acoustic amp I‘ve ever played.